We present to you a training module created within the project More Than Winning. The training module is available in 5 different languages: English, Serbian, Italian, Polish and Turkish.
Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) from Serbia implements “More than Winning – Football as a way of personal development” project together with its partners FC Nacional from Serbia, Melagodo Club from Italy, Kargenc Club from Turkey and FuteBola from Portugal. Main focus of the project is put on the development of desirable conditions for all children to engage in sport activities while they also learn more about importance of sport values such as tolerance, fair play, team spirit, social cohesion and other relevant socio-democratic values. On the other hand, different relations when it comes to children’s football will be explored (coach – child, parents – child, coach – parents, parents – other club’s parents and similar). Main objectives: 1) to develop Training module for social aspects of children sport with focus on football, 2) to provide coaches with skills and competences for better social aspects of sport education and 3) to protect and promote safe environment in sport for children. Project is implemented in the period 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023 and is co-financed by the European Union through Erasmus + Sport.