AktivNi – Training

Photos from the training organised through “AktivNi 3” project. Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) implements the project “AktivNi 3” in cooperation with the Youth Office Nis and 7 high schools from Nis, Serbia (The First Gymnasium “Stevan...

AktivNi – final conference

Final conference of the project “AktivNi”. Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) implements the project “AktivNi” in cooperation with the Youth Office Nis and 4 high schools (The First Gymnasium “Stevan Sremac”, Gymnasium “Bora Stankovic”, Gastronomy and Tourism...

AktivNI – Actions

Actions implemented within the project AktivNI, implemented by KOM 018, and supported by Ministry of youth and sports of Republic of Serbia. Volunteers CYE 018, students of Gastronomy – touristic school, technical school of machine engineering and gymnasiums Stevan Sremac...

Предузми корак – позив за обуку

Клуб за оснаживање младих спроводи пројекат „Предузми корак“ који ће подржати 20 младих људи, од 18 до 30 година старости, да покрену свој бизнис или да учествују у европском програму за подстицање предузетништва, “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” . 10...