Yesterday we met each other and we played some interesting games. After that we choose group, method trough which we will promote fight against the Hate Speech (dance, comics or photography). It was hard at the beginning but we did it, we start working on our products. During a night we went to a place for photography,where all participants tried new method, light painting. It was existing…new day is coming.


The second work day on seminar, as usually we started with energizer. We had presentation about European Court of Human Rights and also, we discussed differences between hate speech and freedom of expression. After that we concentrated on online hate speech and reported some examples of it on Facebook. We spent afternoon working in groups and improving our dance choreography, photography and comics ideas. We finished hanging out in hotel and making „no hate“ photos on playground.


Even though today was our last day, working hard as we can on finishing our products kept us out of thinking for next day’s departure. This day seemed to be the longest of all with having so much to do and having so little time left to finish. Over all, we got to our goal, we were acting like one person. Taking pictures, dancing and making comics against hate, made us becoming the hate fighters that we supposed to become!

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