KOM 018 je učestvovao na (Re)generation seminaru od 18. do 20. februara 2015. godine, koji je organizovala Evropska omladinska fondacija Saveta Evrope sa predstavnicima nacionalnih i lokalnih omladinskih organizacija. 2013. godina je bila godina tranzicije i promena za Evropsku omladinsku fondaciju u kojoj su predstavljene nove operativne regulative, novi online sistem kao i novi sajt fondacije. Kako bi se pojačalo partnerstvo sa omladinskim organizacijama u novom kontekstu, EYF (Re)loaded seminar 2013. godine i EYF (R)evolution seminar 2014. godine su uspešno organizovani.
Zbog novina u okviru kategorije grantova za pilot projekte EYF je odlučio da pozove samo nacionalne i lokalne omladinske organizacije koje su do sada bile podržavane od strane EYF-a. Neki od rezultata seminara bili su: feedback i razmena informacija o radu kroz novi operativni sistem; postignuto je zajedničko razumevanje u vezi sa pilot aktivnostima podržanim od strane EYF-a; podignuta je svest o različitim situacijama koje su organizacije imale u toku svog rada, a podržane su od strane EYF-a; pojačana je transparentnost i odgovornost između EYF-a i nacionalnih i lokalnih omladinskih organizacija; ostvareno je neformalno i otvoreno umrežavanje EYF tima i ljudi odgovornih za sprovođenje projekata; razmena primera dobrih praksi u vezi sa realizacijom projekata koje podržava EYF.
Ovom prilikom bismo želeli da se zahvalimo EYF timu za odličan seminar i radujemo se daljoj saradnji! 🙂

KOM 018 participated in (Re)generation seminar from 18 to 20 February 2015, organized by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe with representatives of national and local youth NGOs. 2013 was a transition year for the European Youth Foundation which included the introduction of new operational regulations, a new online system and a new website. In order to reframe and strengthen the partnership with youth NGOs within this new context, the EYF (Re)loaded seminar in 2013 and the EYF (R)evolution seminar in 2014 were successfully implemented. Due to the novelties linked to the new grant category of pilot activities available for national and local youth NGOs, the EYF decided to invite only representatives of national youth NGOs and local youth NGOs (registered with the EYF), who are running youth projects. Some of the results of the meeting were: feedback and shared information on the work with the new operational regulations; common understanding concerning the pilot activities supported by the EYF was created; awareness about the different situations organisations address with the support of EYF grants was gained; transparency and accountability between the European Youth Foundation and youth organisations is revitalized; open and informal networking between the EYF team and the people running projects with EYF grants was achieved; best practices concerning projects were shared. We use this opportunity to thank EYF team for a great seminar and we look forward to our continuous cooperation 🙂


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