KOM 018 i Mester Akademija (Salamanka, Španija) organizuju časove španskog jezika najpre u Nišu, a zatim u Španiji. Polaznici u Nišu će imati priliku da kroz intezivni kurs unaprede svoj španski, a 10 iz grupe će imati priliku da nastave sa usavršavanjem u Španiji!!

Časovi intezivnog kursa španskog jezika će se organizovati u prostorijama KOM 018 od ponedeljka do petka, svakog dana u trajanju od 3,5 časova i biće podeljeni na sledeći način:

Gramatika: 100 minuta. Razvijanje različitih gramatičkih aspekata, produbljivanje znanja i unapređivanje. U skladu sa nivoom znanja polaznika.

Pauza: 10-20 minuta

Konverzacija: 100 minuta. Rekreativne aktivnosti i živopisno čitanje kako bi se vežbao priordni i spontani jezik koji se uči. U skladu sa nivoom znanja polaznika.

Raspored će biti fleksibilan, po mogućstvu u prepodnevnim časovima.

U toku popodneva će se organizvati aktivnosti vezane za špansku kulturu: kuhinja, radionice o istoriji i kulturi, gledanje filmova iz španske i latino američke kinematografije, gledanje klipova i dokumentaraca o istoriji Španije i Latino Amerike i realnosti španskog društva.

Kurs će voditi i evaluirati profesor španske filologije sa specijalizacijom u učenju španskog kao stranog jezika: Jesus Gonzalez Perez, diplomirani filolog – ekspert za učenje španskog kao stranog jezika.

Kurs će se održati od 5.08. do 21.08.2015.

Ukupan broj učesnika: 16

U drugoj fazi se organizuje pod-projekat. Ovo uključuje obezbeđivanje 10 školarina za 10 učesnika kursa kako bi im se obezbedio ostanak u Salamanci (Španija) – poznat kao grad španskog jezika – kroz intezivni kurs španskog i učešće u kulturnim aktivnostima kako bi učesnici još bolje razumeli španski jezik i kulturu. Kurs jezika i ostanak u Španiji organizuje španska Mester Akademija koja je akreditovana od strane Servantes Instituta. Više informacija na: http://www.mester.com

Ovaj kurs će se održati od 11.09. do 27.09.2015

Časovi će biti organizovani od 09:30h do 13:00h.

Mester Akademija vam takođe može obezbediti i kartu od/do Madrida do/od Salamanke.

Sve je ovo osmišljeno sa entuzijazom; radujemo se početku implementacije.

Da bi se prijavio/la na kurs, molimo popuni sledeću formu (na engleskom jeziku):

    Name and surname *
    Please insert your name and surname below

    Citizenship *
    Please write the name of the country of your citizenship

    Date of birth *
    Please insert your date of birth using dd/mm/yyyy format

    Academic degree/degrees *
    Briefly list previously earned academic degree/s and note the respective university/-ies

    ECTS *
    Please choose the number of the ects earned during your education

    Average grade or GPA *
    Please insert the grade point average of the last / current university studies. Gpa is the simple average grade of all the grades earned during the ba/ma studies. The grading comparison table for the european educational systems can be found here: http://www.studyineurope.eu/grades

    Additional education and training
    Briefly list courses, summer schools etc. You took in addition to the formal education.

    Work experience
    Briefly list up to three (3) job positions you occupied recently. Internships and volunteer experiences may be included.

    Spanish language proficiency *
    Please note what is your proof of Spanish language proficiency by choosing one option below


    Spanish language test results
    Please write the score of your Spanish language test below. Skip this question if you chose option 1. above

    Spanish language course information *
    In order to adapt the course to the level of the applicants, please choose your current knowledge of Spanish

    Referees *
    Please write the name, position and e-mail address of your two referees

    Tel/cell phone number *
    Please write your telephone/ cell phone number with the international code included (+......)

    E-mail address *
    Please insert your e-mail address

    How did you find out about it? *
    Please let us know how you found out about it by choosing one of the options below you find the most correct

    Spanish stay *
    Please let us know if you are interested to join the second stage of this course in Salamanca, Spain.

    Spanish stay. Accommodation information
    Homestay - Spanish family house. Skip this question if you chose option 1. above. Do you have any special requirements regarding your accommodation?

    Contact information in case of emergency during your stay
    Skip this question if you chose option 1. above

    Name and Surname


    What relationship do you have with this person?


    Postal code




    Why do you want to apply? *
    Please let us know briefly about your personal motivation


    It is recommended an optional medical insurance. Mester subscribe the company Sanitas: www.sanitas.com . For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    The students coming from outside the European Union should investigate the requirements to get a visa in the Spanish Embassy or nearest Spanish Consulate. Academia Mester guarantees to emit a certificate which confirms the matriculation in one or various courses although does not make responsible for the rejection of visa application because of the lack of officiality ofsaid enrolment documents. They will have a duration equivalent to the duration of the course.

    The students will be able to appear in promotional material or photography on the website, blog or leaflet of Academia Mester.
    In agreement with the personal data law 15/1999, we specify that the students’personal details will only be used within the Mester school itself.
    Furthermore, the student hasthe right to rectify or cancel this data in any moment. For more information, contact our central offices in Salamanca.
    (Vázquez Coronado 5, 37002 Salamanca, Spain).

    The inscription in any Mester course implies agreement with the aforementioned conditions; in a complementary or subsidiary manner, it is regulated by Civil Law for the providing of services and the rights of consumers, in particular the Law 82/95 of the Junta de Castilla y Leon and the Law 26/84 for the Defence of the Consumers and Users.

    Vaša e-mail adresa neće biti objavljena. Obavezna polja su označena *


    Ово веб место користи Акисмет како би смањило непожељне. Сазнајте како се ваши коментари обрађују.