InclusiveNet – Seminar

Seminar organised within the project “InclusiveNet” was held in September 2020 in Nis, Serbia gathering youth workers, volunteers, organizations and sport clubs from 4 countries. Project “InclusiveNet” is implemented by Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) from Nis...

SafeNet Local Workshops

Local workshops organised by Club For Youth Empowerment 018 in Nis, Serbia through “SafeNet” project.  Project “SafeNet” is implemented by New Vision – Albania in cooperation with Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) – Serbia, Udruga “Impress” Daruvar...

KOM 018 Newsletter 2019

KOM 018 presents its activities through Newsletter 2019. This document will show you our projects, wide range of activities that we organized in 2019, creative products we delivered in the previous year, experiences of EVS volunteers in our country...

Project “AkitvNi”

Volunteering as a nonprofit activity that contributes to wellbeing and prosperity of a community, and activism as a community engagement, raises the awareness about certain social problems and works on their solutions, through implementation of activities and projects, represents...

Exhibition in KOM 018

With great pride we invite you for tomorrows finnal exhibition of arts and crafts that were made on creative workshops by our volunteers and our EVS volunteer from Poland. The exhibition will take place in the office of KOM018,...

KOM 018 Newsletter 2017

KOM 018 presents its activities through Newsletter 2017. This document will show you our projects, wide range of activities that we organized in 2017, creative products we delivered in the previous year, experiences of EVS volunteers in our country...

EVS news

KOM 018 presents new EVS volunteers, Klaudia from Poland and Emmanuel from France. Klaudia is here on her long-term EVS through the project “Youth for Civil Europe” supported by Erasmus + program through National Agency of Poland, while Emanuel...

It’s Time!

We present the song and video produced by young people in Nis, Serbia for the promotion of the combat against domestic violence. KOM 018 – Club for Youth Empowerment 018 / Klub za osnaživanje mladih 018, in cooperation with...

Zone of the open heart

KOM018 volunteers attended today’s ”Zona Otvorenog Srca” – a manifestation organized by Zona Unapređenog Poslovanja – Niška Varoš, and contributed to spreading the joy among the little ones. #kom018 #zonaunapredjenogposlovanja #zonaotvorenogsrca #deca #radost #volonteri #aktivizam

Combat against peer violence

KOM 018 held three-day workshops within the project “Uživaj odgovorno – živi sigurno”, supported by city of NIš. The workshops included education of young people on fight against peer violence. Participants were developing ideas that will be realized as...