World Humanitarian Day 2024

2023 was the deadliest year on record for humanitarian workers. 🏥💔 2024 could be even worse. 😔 These facts lay bare a glaring truth: the world is failing humanitarian workers and, by extension, the people they serve. 🌍👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️

Despite universally accepted international laws to regulate the conduct of armed conflict and limit its impact, violations of these laws continue unabated, unchallenged and unchecked. ⚖️🚫 And while civilians, including aid workers, pay the ultimate price, the perpetrators continue to evade justice. 💔🔍

This failure of those in power cannot be allowed to continue. 🚫👥 Attacks on humanitarian workers and humanitarian assets must stop. 🚨💔 Attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure must stop. 🛑🏠

This World Humanitarian Day, we demand an end to these violations and the impunity with which they are committed. 📢✊ It is time for those in power to end impunity and #ActForHumanity. 🌍💪 @EuropeanCommission @eusrbija



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