We are pleased to inform you that through this post you can access full digital versions of the “Safebook 2nd Edition” manual now in 7 languages (English, Serbian, Italian, Albanian, Polish, Bosnian and Arabic)!

SAFEBOOK is a manual in the area of youth safety which consists of situation analyses, thematic workshops and creative workshops on the topics of peer violence, cyberbullying, discrimination, abuse of psychoactive substances and alcohol and protection of mental health. The manual is created within the “Safebook for safe youth”  KA2 CBY project implemented by Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018), Serbia  in cooperation with Beyond Borders Italy– Italy, Idea for Life – Poland, Perspektiva – Albania, Crveni Križ NOVO SARAJEVO – Bosnia and Herzegovina, JORDAN Youth Innovation Forum – Jordan and Association Euro-Med EVE Tunisia in Tunisia. The project idea is focused on the safety of young people, especially affected by COVID-19 pandemic. “Safebook for safe youth” project aims at promotion of safety culture among young people through newly developed manual “Safebook” for youth work in the field of youth safety. The manual was produced through Strategic partnership in the field of youth in 2021 by the applicant Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) together with Beyond Borders – Italy, and partners from Croatia and North Macedonia and is recognized as a good practice project by Erasmus + Program. Project will equip youth workers and educators with new educational tools in the field of youth safety focusing on 5 segments: peer violence, cyber bullying, abuse of psychoactive substances, discrimination and mental health in time of COVID–19. Project is implemented in the period 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2024 and is co-financed by the European Union.

#Safebook #EuropeanUnion #Youth #ErasmusPlus #EuropeanCommission #safety #kom018

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