On 18 and 19 March all the partners met in Athens for the third project meeting.

Each partner presented their work developed during these months and we agreed on how to proceed before the next and last meeting!

We also had the chance to visit the city and taste the Greek culture through its traditional music and food.

“Inclusive Traditional Games” project is implemented by 4C-COOPERATE-COMMUNICATE-CREATE-CHANGE organization from Greece, as the coordinator, in the partnership with Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) from Serbia, L’Orma from Italy, Right2Score Foundation from Belgium and Arousa Moza from Spain. Project objectives are to create the space and the material for intercultural and intergenerational dialogue in local communities, to create local initiatives in order to integrate different minorities groups locally, to support the local communities in becoming more active and use public spaces, to create a network of partner organizations and exchange of good practices on social inclusion through sport and traditional games, to train youth workers/coaches from diverse backgrounds and to create a manual for traditional games that can be used by trainers, coaches, youth workers and educators. Stay tuned for more!

#intragames #games #traditional #inclusion #sports #erasmusplus #kom018 #4c

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