Examples of creative products made using the creative workshops of the “Safebook” manual. Project “Safebook” is focused on youth safety in Serbia, Italy, Croatia and North Macedonia through empowerment of youth workers and educators. Project aims to develop new methods of youth work in the field of youth safety, to equip youth workers and educators with a set of new educational tools in the field of youth safety and to raise the awareness about safety issues in local communities in 4 countries. Main Intellectual Output will be “Safebook” Manual; document will include new and innovative methodologies and creative tools in the form of youth friendly manual for youth workers. Newly developed manual will focus on 5 segments of youth safety: peer violence, cyber bullying, abuse of psychoactive substances, discrimination and mental health in time of COVID–19. Project “Safebook” is implemented in the partnership between Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 18) from Nis-Serbia, Association Beyond borders from Corato- Italy, Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (SPPMD) from Kavadarci – North Macedonia and Impress from Daruvar – Croatia. Project is co-financed by Erasmus + Programme, EU through Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth KA205.
SafeBook #ErasmusPlus #FondacijaTempus #kom018 #beyondbordersitaly #weareimpress #sppmd #youth #safety

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