Last weekend, a second forum was held in #Vranje as part of our project “Regional Youth Initiative for Integration”.The forum brought together young people – students, activists of political parties and activists of civil society organisations from #Bujanovac, # Presevo and # Nis with the intention of facilitating dialogue on challenges, problems and practical proposals and solutions on minority rights and promoting interethnic interaction and integration.The project “Regional Youth Initiative for Integration” was supported by the Open Society Foundation, Serbia.
Tokom proteklog vikenda u #Vranje je održan drugi forum u okviru našeg projekta "Regionalna inicijativa mladih za integraciju".Forum je okupio mlade – studente/kinje, aktiviste/kinje političkih partija i aktiviste/kinje organizacija civilnog društva iz #Bujanovac, #Preševo i #Niš sa namerom da omogući dijalog o izazovima, problemima i praktičnim predlozima i rešenjima na temu ostvarivanja prava manjina i unapređenja međuetničke interakcije i integracije.Projekat "Regionalna inicijativa mladih za integraciju" podržan je od strane Fondacije za otvoreno društvo, Srbija.Last weekend, a second forum was held in #Vranje as part of our project "Regional Youth Initiative for Integration".The forum brought together young people – students, activists of political parties and activists of civil society organizations from #Bujanovac, # Presevo and # Nis with the intention of facilitating dialogue on challenges, problems and practical proposals and solutions on minority rights and promoting interethnic interaction and integration.The project "Regional Youth Initiative for Integration" was supported by the Open Society Foundation, Serbia.#youth #KOM018 #volunteers #Vranje #Nis #Bujanovac #presevo