Today is International Day of tolerance. It seems that words like “tolerance”, “solidarity”, “diversity” and similar words are just words written on the paper, that humanity lost its way taking into consideration all the news we get about different attacks and victims all around the world..While individuals and groups of people lead someone else’s wars in the name of religion, democracy, for profit and interest, ordinary people die.. In this whole madness and chaos, we must not forget the basic human right and that is the right to life. It is sad that humanity learned nothing and that history keeps repeating.. Should we hate entire nations or religions because of the individuals or groups or politics? No, for sure..Hatred cannot bring the solutions and cannot be the answer to all the evils happening all around the world not only in the recent days, but for years and decades?. Choose love, respect, understanding, solidarity, not only today, but every day so that we can justify why we call ourselves “humans”. Happy Day of tolerance