Song and video developed through one of the local actions implemented through project “AktivNi” that gathered young people from the city of Nis – high schools students of First gymnasium of Nis “Stevan Sremac”, “Bora Stankovic” gymnasium, the Gastronomy and Tourism school, Music School, Art School and the Mechanical Engineering school and KOM 018 volunteers – who acquired knowledge about volunteerism and activism, and how to use creative methods and teamwork in promotion of this terms. Young people, divided in teams, designed six plans for actions which they will implemented at the local level – five of them in the high schools mentioned and one in cooperation between Youth office of Nis and KOM 018 organization with the aim to inform their peers about the importance of volunteering and activism and in that way to include more young people from Nis in their work. Project is implemented by KOM 018 in cooperation with Youth office Nis (KZM) and six high schools – First gymnasium of Nis “Stevan Sremac”, “Bora Stankovic” gymnasium, Art School, the Gastronomy and Tourism school, Music School and the Mechanical Engineering school. The project is financed by the Ministry of youth and sport of Republic of Serbia.

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