Song and music video created during creative workshops within the project “BezbedNi 2020”.
Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) implements “BezbedNi 2020” project in co-operation with 6 local secondary schools (First Nis Gymnasium “Stevan Sremac”, Gymnasium “Bora Stankovic”, Art School Nis, Music School Nis, Mechanical School Nis and Gastronomy – Touristic School Nis) and project activities are focused on the empowerment and inclusion of secondary schools students in the campaign on the importance of safety. The project is especially focused on those segments of safety of greater importance for young people: peer violence, traffic safety, discrimination and hate speech on different grounds (nationality, religion, sexual orientation and similar) and abuse of psychoactive substances and alcohol. Moreover, due to Covid-19 outbreak, part of the project is focused on the safe behaviour and preventive measures in order to combat Covid-19 spread among young people and protection of mental health of young people during crisis situations. Based on the previous best practices, this project contributes to the increased participation of youth in the development and implementation of the local youth security policy through their active role in different actions. One of the project activities implemented in previous period is “Training for peer educators” which provided young people with an opportunity to acquire new knowledge, competences and skills and to learn how to transfer everything acquired on mentioned segments of youth safety to their peers. Training was organized in online form, but it didn’t lower its quality and results. Project „Bezbedni 2020“ is implemented in the period 05.10.2020 – 04.05.2021. and is supported by OSCE Mission to Serbia within the project Consolidating the democratization process in the security sector in the Republic of Serbia, funded by Swedish Government.