The international meeting for the 3×3 Basket for Kids project took place in Barcelona, Spain, with a focused and collaborative atmosphere. The main goal was to advance the manual’s development, covering key points like selecting and organizing thematic sections, deciding on session formats, discussing potential appendix content, and finalizing the design. Participants worked together smoothly, agreeing on a clear timeline and scheduling follow-up meetings to ensure steady progress. The productive session created a strong foundation for the project’s next phases, blending efficiency with a positive team spirit.
Associação Desportiva Cultural e Social de Carvalhais (ADCS Carvalhais) from Portugal, together with its partners Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) from Serbia, Barcel’hona Sport Barcel’hona Sports Events from Spain and Denizli Tutku Gençlik ve Spor Kulübü Youth and Sport Club (TYSC) from Turkey implements a small-scale partnership project “Basket for kids – 3×3 basketball against sedentarism” in order to promote physical activities, specifically 3×3 basketball among children and young people. Project objectives: To develop an innovative methodology on how to teach 3×3 basketball to children; To develop pilot activities in the partner countries with children; and To raise awareness about 3×3 basketball as a tool for physical activity for children. Project is implemented in the period 01.11.2024 – 31.12.2025, in Portugal, Spain, Serbia and Turkey. Project is co-financed by the European Union.