Photos from final conference organised within the project “Creativity in service of inter-ethnic understanding and cooperation”. Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) in cooperation with Hate Fighters Network (HFN) and local partner Association of Roma “Prokuplje” from Prokuplje and NGO “The Future” from Bujanovac implements the project “Creativity in service of inter-ethnic understanding and cooperation” in local communities in Nis, Prokuplje and Bujanovac in the period of 10 months (01.09.2019 – 30.06.2020). Active participation of young people in local and regional initiatives and actions of CSOs at the local and regional level is of essential importance if we want to build democratic, inclusive and prosper societies and to foster participative democracy and process of EU integrations. The project contributes to this objective through strengthening regional cooperation in south Serbia and inter-ethnic dialogue among young people and youth organisations in Nis, Bujanovac and Prokuplje, i.e. among young people of Serbian, Roma and Albanian background. Project includes set of activities – training, info days, local workshops, campaign, video competition and youth gathering. Project is supported by Open Society Foundation, Serbia.
#kom018 #hfn #drustvoromaprokuplje #thefuture #fondacijazaotvorenodrustvo