We are pleased to inform you that through this post you can access full digital versions of the “Safebook 2nd Edition” manual now in 7 languages (English, Serbian, Italian, Albanian, Polish, Bosnian and Arabic)! SAFEBOOK is a manual in...

Digital Training Module TOC

We present to you the digitalized training module created within the project ,,Together for Tackling Cyberbullying” . The digitalized training module is available in 6 different languages: English, Serbian, Italian, Spanish and Romanian. Together for Tackling Cyberbullying (TOC) is...

TOC Training Modue

We present you a training module created within the project ,,Together for Tackling Cyberbullying”. The training module is available in 6 different languages: English, Serbian, German, Italian, Spanish and Romanian. Access the file by clicking the button below. Together...

InTra Games Manual

We are presenting you manual on created withing the InTra Games project with the main aim to encourage social inclusion through sports by promoting traditional sports and games. “Inclusive Traditional Games” project is implemented by 4C-COOPERATE-COMMUNICATE-CREATE-CHANGE organization from Greece,...

Bezbedni 2021/22 – Brochure 

We present you a brochure created within the project “Bezbedni 2021/2022”. Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) is implementing the project “Bezbedni 2021/2022” in order to contribute to the development of culture, youth safety and strengthen cooperation between...

SLAM priručnik

SLAM priručnik za otkrivanje lažnih vesti je jedan od nekoliko alata koji su razvijeni kroz dvogodišnji trud svih koji su uključeni u implementaciju ovog projekta. Sadržaj ovog priručnika kreće se od definicije lažnih vesti, značajnih primera istih do različitih...


We are pleased to inform you that through this post you can access full digital versions of the “Safebook” manual in 5 languages (English, Serbian, Italian, Croatian, Macedonian)! „SAFEBOOK“ is a manual in the area of youth safety which...

Aktivni 2 – buklet

Check out the new booklet about “Aktivni 2” project. Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) implements the project “AktivNi 2” in cooperation with the Youth Office Nis and 6 high schools (The First Gymnasium “Stevan Sremac”, Gymnasium “Bora...

BezbedNI brochure

  On the following link, you can check out a brochure that contains some of the works developed through workshops as well as a statistic that was partly taken from the interviews done for the documentary movie. The brochure...

It’s Time manual

Important result of the “It’s Time!” project is the development of “It’s time program platform – youth work and gender perspective” manual. It includes various segments such as examples of thematic workshops on gender related issues that can be...

Hate Fighters booklet

Hate Fighters Network presentsHate Fighters Work Plan 2016 booklet, where HFN presented everything that was done in 2016. in the field of the combat against hate speech in 8 countries through HFN member organizations. Organizations that contributed to the...