No Place For Hate!

1.DAN 2.8.2013 Pocelo je! Juce smo poceli sa treningom pod nazivom “No place for hate” koji je okupio mlade iz Nisa, Pirota, Prokuplja, Jagodine i Bele Palanke kako bi stekli osnovna znanja neophodna za borbu protiv govora mrznje i...

Hate Fighters 2013

“Borci protiv mržnje” – šestomesečni projekat koji sprovodi KOM 018, usmeren ka borbi protiv mrznje na Internetu koji se sprovodi u Srbiji, Makedoniji i Turskoj.  Mladi iz ove tri države ce ojačati svoje kapacitete da se bore protiv govora...

Video Post

Macro Timelapse, Daniel Csobot. Suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec neque nisi, facilisis id nulla ut, laoreet hendrerit elit. Suspendisse ligula ipsum, rhoncus et facilisis lobortis, vulputate sit amet turpis. Pellentesque ut porta libero....

This Is How We Do It

Seminar “Ovako radimo” je organizovan od 13.05.2013 do 19.05.2013 u Nisu, Srbija. Okupio je mlade iz 8 drzava – Makedonija, Bugarska, Srbija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Turska, Italija, Crna Gora i Spanija, sa Klubom za osnazivanje mladih 018 kao domacinom....

This Is How We Do It

First Day, 14.05.2013. It has been really intense day: we started with the names game, and after we have had a competition that has motivated all the participant. We had traditional lunch in the fortress restaurant, in the city...

018 by Andres Parrado

My work at the Club for YouthEmpowerment 018 was composed of different activities. I was in charge of weeklyEnglish and Spanish classes open to all the volunteers. I was also involved inthe writing and implementation of a variety of...

018 by Lelabari Giwa

Hello my name is Lelabari Giwa and I‘m from Los Angeles. I am an African-American, upcoming Princeton University student living in Serbia for 9months.   Now, you may be wondering, as many others I’ve met in Serbia, WHAT THE...