Hate Fighters Network

In 2016 Hate Fighters Network will implement Hate Fighters Work Plan 2016, which includes training for young people from 8 countries in Niš, local workshops and actions in 8 countries, as well as final conference in Sarajevo, BiH. Hate...

International Karl Popper Debate

KOM 018 organized International Karl Popper debate competition from 7th December till 12th December 2015 in Nis, in cooperation with Law Faculty Nis and partner organizations from Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Denmark. After national Karl...

Gender through the lens

“Gender through the lens” training was organized in Kavadarci, Macedonia from 5.10.2015 to 02.11.2015 by SPPMD. Young people from Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Romania, Denmark, Bulgaria and Czech Republic discussed the issues of gender inequalities and gender-based...


 This year Club for Youth Empowerment 018 organized activities for FARE Action Weeks 2015 in cooperation with Football Club “Radnicki Nis” and School “14. October”, for disabled children. First activity was visit to School “14. October” as they celebrated...


This year Club for Youth Empowerment 018 organized activities for FARE Action Weeks 2015 in cooperation with Football Club “Radnicki Nis” and School “14. October”, for disabled children. First activity was visit to School “14. October” as they celebrated...

Espanol Sin Fronteras 2

KOM 018 and Mester Academy from Salamanca, Spain finished the second part of the intensive course of Spanish language organized in Salamanca, Spain in September 2015. 11 participants had an opportunity to additionally improve Spanish language through intensive classes...

Play for Peace 2

KOM 018 organized international activity “Play for Peace Part 2″ in Nis from 30th August to 6th September 2015. This international activity, supported by the EYF, brought young people from 9 European countries to Nis in order to learn...

Play for Peace 2

KOM 018 organized international activity “Play for Peace Part 2″ in Nis from 30th August to 6th September 2015. This international activity, supported by the EYF, brought young people from 9 European countries to Nis in order to learn...

Espanol Sin Fronteras

KOM 018 and Mester Academy from Salamanca, Spain finished the firrst part of the intensive course of Spanish langhuage organized in Nis from 10th to 21st August 2015. 19 participants had an opportunity to improve/learn Spanish language with the...

Happy Youth Day

On 10th August 2015 at the swimming pool Cair in Nis Youth Day was celebrated through manifestation “Games in the water – Youth without borders”. The event was organized by Youth Office Nis, Youth Initiative Nis and EU Info...

Come to Amfi – Vol.4

Street art festival “Come to Amfi – Vol.4” was organized on 24.07.2015 by Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018). This year Amfi gathered greater number of performers than ever, as well as the greater number of competitors than...

Come to Amfi – Vol.4

Street art festival “Come to Amfi – Vol.4″ was organized on 24.07.2015 by Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018). This year Amfi gathered greater number of performers than ever, as well as the greater number of competitors than...

Hate Fighters

KOM 018 implements „Hate Fighters“ project for the third year, aimed at the combat against hate speech online in Serbia and Macedonia. Young people from these two countries will build their capacities to combat hate speech online through different...


Club for Youth Empowerment 018 organizes street art festival “Come to Amfi”. “Come to Amfi – Volume 4” will be organized on 24th July 2015. Street art manifestation “Come to Amfi” includes different disciplines of hip hop culture including...

Six Cultures, One Language

KOM 018 participated in the youth exchange “Six cultures, one language” organized in Denmark from 8th April to 15th April 2015. It gathered participants from Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria and Denmark. Project is supported through Erasmus + program...

Young Serbs in Tikves Region

Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018), Serbia, in cooperation with Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, Macedonia, organized the project “Days of Serbian culture in Tikves region” for youth in Serbian community in Kavadarci, Rosoman and other places...

Hate Fighters Booklet

Hate Fighters Booklet presents some of the products of the activities within “Hate Fighters” program done in 2013 and 2014, implemented by KOM 018, Serbia and SPPMD, Macedonia, and supported by European Youth Foundation, Council of Europe HateFighters Booklet...

KOM 018 članica KOMS-a

KOM 018 je u okviru Treće godišnje Skupštine Krovne Organizacije Mladih Srbije postao zvanično i priduružena članica ovog saveza mladih. Skupština je održana 22.01. i 23.01.2015 na Borskoj jezeru. Slika preuzeta sa Facebook stranice Krovne Organizacije Mladih Srbije.  

Planiranje 2015

Tim KOM 018 je u january 2015 organizovao planiranje za 2015 godinu i aktivnosti koje ćemo sprovoditi. Očekuje nas veoma aktivna godina, puno medjunarodnih treninga i seminara, kreativnih sadržaja i dosta rada. Pratite te nas i priključite se aktivnostima...

Preduzmi korak

Projekat “Preduzmi korak” ima za cilj da doprinese podsticanju samozapošljavanja i preduzetništva u Nišu među mladima. Projekat podrazumeva preduzimanje i pružanje kokretnih mera i servisa za pokretanje sopstvenog biznisa. 20 mladih će kroz obuku dobiti osnovna znanja i veštine...

Предузми корак – позив за обуку

Клуб за оснаживање младих спроводи пројекат „Предузми корак“ који ће подржати 20 младих људи, од 18 до 30 година старости, да покрену свој бизнис или да учествују у европском програму за подстицање предузетништва, “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” . 10...

Shoot for The Stars

Savet za prevenciju maloletnicke delikvencije (SPPMD) je organizovao trening “Shoot for the stars” u Kavadarcima, Makedonija od 25.10. do 02.11.2014. Tema treninga je bila interkulturalni dijalog sa mladim ljudima iz 9 drzava – Hrvatska, Slovenija, Italija, Crna Gora, Srbija,...


Klub za osnaživanje mladih 018 (KOM 018) se i ove godine pridružio hiljadama evropskih grupa ovog meseca kako bi iskoristili snagu fudbala da se prikaže jedinstveni stav protiv rasizma i diskriminacije i deklarisali se kao Ljudi Fudbala. Fare nedelje...

Freestyle radionice u Nišu

Klub za osnaživanje mladih 018 je organizovao freestyle radionice 10. i 11.oktobra za mlade u Nišu. Radionice je vodio najpoznatiji srpski fristajler Grashoper. Kako kaže, kao trener prezadovoljan je učesnicima pre svega, lepo su se družili , podelili zajdenička...