Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) implements the project “AktivNi 2” in cooperation with the Youth Office Nis and 6 high schools (The First Gymnasium “Stevan Sremac”, Gymnasium “Bora Stankovic”, Gastronomy and Tourism School, Mechanical School, Art School Nis and Music School Nis) and financed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia. All planned activities will be organized in city of Nis from 01.08.2019. to 31.12.2019.
The aim of all activities is to make young people be the leaders and suggest and implement the actions that will have the biggest impact on young people in Nis. Training within the project “AktivNi” was one of the many activities which gather students of mentioned schools, their mentors and coordinators with purpose to all together create and plan individual actions. Training took place in September at hotel Aleksandar and we worked hard on creating actions where young people had chance to present their problems which they want to solve, and together supervised by mentors they started writing suggestions of actions.
Main aim and result from all past and future activities are educated and empowered young people who self-intended are starting to resolve the problems and challenges which them, their peers and entire local society are facing. Participants of the training received all necessary information’s and during the whole duration of project they will have mentor support.
In similar form this project was implemented last year as well, and on final conference wider audience had chance to hear about five successfully implemented actions, like forming volunteering club, renovating school yard, organizing table tennis competition, installing new white boards in classrooms, made temporary winter shelters for abandoned animals, created song and music video. Because of the success of the project “AktivNi” there is a new opportunity to repeat the great results and to include even more participants in “AktivNi 2” project.