Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) in cooperation with the French Institute Nis is announcing a prize contest “ART IN TIME OF CORONA” intended for art works, slam poetry and photo works.
The right to participate have young people from 14 to 30 years old, living in Nis and its surroundings.
The goal of the competition is to raise the awareness about the importance of artistic creation and increase the visibility of the work of non-established artists in Nis during the pandemic.
The topic of the competition “ART IN TIME OF CORONA” refers to works in three categories: Art works, Photo works and Slam poetry.
The works should represent the personal attitude of the artist about the role of art / artists in the Corona era, the challenges that young artists face during the global health crisis or some other attitude that appropriately connects their work with the theme of the contest.
Participation in the contest is free, and for all those interested, the contest is open from October 20 to November 3, 2020.
Instructions for submitting works:
Art works – on paper made with different techniques (pencil, tempera, gouache, watercolour, pastel, ink, collage, combined techniques…) as well as works in digital version will be accepted.
The maximum format of works is 297x420mm, ie. A3 format.
Art work done on paper needs to be scanned and attached in the acceptance form.
Art work done in digital format, in any of the drawing programs, must be sent in .jpg format with a resolution of 300 dpi.
The works must be original and done independently, created in 2020 and must not have been previously exhibited at other international competitions and exhibitions.
Slam poetry – all works within Slam poetry should be sent in the form of a Word document, Times New Roman font (size 12, language: Serbian Latin), a document with the name and surname of the author attached in the application form.
The works must be original and made independently, created in 2020 and must not have been previously published in other international competitions and exhibitions.
Photo works – colour photos, as well as black and white, in digital format. Keep in mind that top technical quality is crucial for a photo to be rewarded.
Minimum resolution of photos in digital format: 6 megapixels (resolution 3,000 x 2,100 pixels).
Photos in digital format should be sent as a “high resolution file”: jpeg format of the highest quality (eg saved in Adobe Photoshop, level 12 quality).
The file name must contain the name of the photographer and the name of the photograph and as such should be attached in the receipt form.
The works must be original and done independently, created in 2020 and must not have been previously exhibited at other international competitions and exhibitions.
You can access the application and submission forms by clicking HERE.
The best work from each category, selected by the votes of the expert jury, will be awarded a voucher from the GIGATRON store in the amount of 15,000.00 RSD.
The competition is conducted within the project “Stay Connected” which is implemented by the Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) in cooperation with the French Institute in Nis.